The Legal Thieves (Short Film)

The Legal Thieves is a short film centered around the behavior of leaders that lead to the underdevelopment of our country.

The purpose of this short film is to inspire patriotism in the citizens of the country. Also, to encourage them to put the needs of the country first and not their personal selfish interest.

The short film looks at an MP who uses his position to burden the national purse. He is determined to make millions of dollars before he exits office. Therefore, every contract must be adjusted to include his share.

This politician does not care about the citizens and the development of the country. Their kind are the people who destroy dreams by keeping the masses in their poverty status.

They will do everything to steal from the state to make themselves and their families rich. They don’t care about the rest of the citizens.

Read the script below:

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Picture of Akunye Michael
Akunye Michael
Akunye Michael is Managing Editor of He is also a film critic, script writer, director and a digital marketing consultant. He has acquired several years of writing contents for Chaels Media rebranded as The Movie Train as well as providing digital marketing services to firms.

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