According to him, as a young preacher, he felt very ‘powerful’ for have the grace to cast out demons. He felt powerful thinking it was his doing until God cautioned him.
Duncan Williams noted that, the manifestations of the demons is not by the anointing of men, but by the grace of God and in the name of Jesus.
In a sermon which took place on May 26, the man of God said; “I remember when it began [ ministry]. Most of the time, some of the bishops would tell you, there will be all kinds of manifestations in the church. Demons will be screaming and shouting.
“When I was a young preacher, I used to feel very good about that. I used to feel Charlie I’m powerful. You see how the demons are reacting and crying and I will say ushers carry them and bring them, run, run, over there, run and I used to feel very powerful until the Lord dealt with me and I realized that hey hey hey it is not because of your anointing, it is the name of Jesus, it is the presence of Jesus.”
Listen to the man of God: