“I broke my virginity at the age of 3” – Apiscolover.

Abena leads me to the bathroom, takes me through the same experience I have endured for the past four days.

Did I hear you shout… “what? At the age of 3? that can’t be true”. Well, don’t be astonished, everyone screams the same way anytime I share this story with them. The thing is, I don’t remember the feeling of satisfaction I had during those days. But this memory seems to have rented and paid for a room in my mind for life. Where do I start from? Sometimes I feel like keeping this to myself. But I always feel like a real man after sharing this story with my friends. At least, I had the opportunity of eating the ‘apple’ before them, even if I didn’t know what I was doing by then.

I know what you are thinking. You are feeling sorry for the 3 year old me. Please, don’t be, I consider it a defining moment of my life. If for nothing at all, I still have the memory to share. And before you rain insult on the then 28-year old ABENA, the lady who took my innocence away, wait till you hear the whole story. You might have done the same, if you had seen what she saw with her very eyes in those days. Our forebearers might be right after all, when they said, “there is no fire without smoke”.

And before you begin to judge 3 year old me, just know that I was but just a child. I have no say in the matter. Frankly, aside the mental picture of it happening, I don’t remember how it felt like. I’m sure I was just standing there like an over fed child whose only worry was when to get his next meal. Abena will be the best person to explain to me what happened during those days. I have searched far and near but she is no where to be found. I was hoping if she can’t even remember, we can repeat the process again. I heard it, you just called me a bad boy. Don’t blame me, she started it. The best I can do is to at least end it with an experience. Given the fact that Abena would now be around 60 years, I don’t what to picture how the repeat experience will look like.

Enough of the talk. Now, let me tell you what happened. My mother was and is still a trader who hardly stays at home especially in the morning. Abena who was a couple of years younger than my mother was our neighbor. She wasn’t married, and has the whole day to herself. It all started when my mother had to travel for a whole week. But in her absence, Abena has to take care of me till she returns. My mother is finally gone, Abena had to get me ready for school. And that is how everything started. Though, I was 3, I still remember the look on Abena’s face the first time she had to bath me.

Abena stood in front of me with her jaws literally dropped as I stand in front of her naked waiting to be bathed. I have been told that, I was hugely endowed down there when I was young. I guess the sight of the huge cucumber in between the legs of the 3 year old froze and rendered her speechless for a while. Abena begins to give me my bath. I remember how long it took her to wash in between my legs. I was just an innocent boy who will giggle and sometimes laugh when she gives my cucumber a firm wash and a shake. I don’t think anything happened that day aside the awkward touching.

I know you can’t wait to find out how I lost my virginity (if there is anything like that for a man), at the age of 3 to a 28 year old woman. But before that, let me make this confession. My mother wasn’t wrong when she said I had a huge cucumber at a very young age. Now I can see the evidence of what forced Abena to take my innocence from me. Not to boast, but I’m the kind of guy ladies lock themselves in the washroom to get away from. Mysteriously, they always comeback for more. Maybe, you might have an answer; why do they always comeback?

Did I hear you right?… How many times did it happen? Just hold on with your questions, I will be done in no time. And before I move to the main point, do you know that my mother lashed me when I tried to tell her about it? If you leave in Ghana where the elderly is always right, you will definitely understand why I was lashed. And as a result of that, I became a very good secret keeper. Abena brides me with toffees to keep our little secret from my mother. The cat is now out of the bag, probably because Abena is not forthcoming with her toffees anymore.

So, it was a faithful Friday, I returned from school, did my homework after which I went to play with some friends. It is time for me to take my evening bath. Abena leads me to the bathroom, takes me through the same experience I have endured for the past four days. She takes me into the room, squirts the pomade on her palm and applies it on my body. She picks me and puts me on the bed, and begins to fondle my cucumber. As usual, I giggle and laugh. Abena climbs the bed, squats over me and begun to do things to me I never understood until I got to senior high school.

That was it, I lost my virginity that faithful night. I don’t know why this mental picture is still very clear in my mind. But I’m happy to share my story with you all. My name is Apiscolover. Thanks for reading.

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Picture of Akunye Michael
Akunye Michael
Akunye Michael is Managing Editor of themovietrain.com. He is also a film critic, script writer, director and a digital marketing consultant. He has acquired several years of writing contents for Chaels Media rebranded as The Movie Train as well as providing digital marketing services to firms.

2 thoughts on ““I broke my virginity at the age of 3” – Apiscolover.”


    Hmmm so sad
    I guess it’s a fictous story if not this child needs support.
    Say no to sexual harassment of any form.
    We all have a part to play in child protection and advocacy

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